Q&A on Allen Ginsberg [blog]:
PhillySound asks, 'Allen Ginsberg would be 79 years old this year. Although he has always been a controversial figure, a floodgate of vitriol against him has been released since his death. He has been publicly branded a misogynist, a pervert, a clown, and many other things. Not that he wasn't called these things in his lifetime, but since his death there has been a particularly intense wave of criticism coming from many different sources.
'Are you familiar with these things I'm talking about? If so, would you care to comment?
Also, what does Ginsberg's work mean to you and your own poems?
What else do you have to share with us about Ginsberg? Please tell us, thank you.'
This entry was posted by Ivy
on Sunday, April 24, 2005 at 9:13 PM.
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