Charles Bernstein's List of Notable Books (Summer 2005) [US]:
From Will Alexander, Exobiology as Goddess (Manifest Press)
'An exuberant excursion into the hyperreality of the cosmos. William Blake merges with Sun Ra in the ecstatic flicker of evanescent transience. This work blazes with an holographic imaginary that is our only defense against the Dark. The search for intelligent life on Earth begins here.'
to Keith Waldrop, The Real Subject: Queries and Conjectures of Jacob Delafon with Sample Poems (Omnidawn)
'Each new book of Keith Waldrop is a distinctive treat in its specific graviity and grave irony. I can't think of any American poet who has so consistenly provided delight, intelligence, charm, wit, and prosodic intelligence in so many divergent yet interconnected volumes.'
This entry was posted by Ivy
on Monday, June 20, 2005 at 5:28 PM.
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