70 Foot Rotating Dildo [US]:
Send dangerous, edgy, freakishly good poems to jimbehrle at gmail dot com. You can also read them into the phone: 347 385 1415. That's even better. Maybe 2-3. If attached please make it one attachment. Don't say nice things about me, my cartoons, my poems or my schlong. You can say something like, I hate you and think you're a complete douchebag, that's OK. Won't count against you. First issue to appear soon: online and otherwise at last. New poets I've never published will get special preference and perhaps candy. The title was chosen to be a deep woods off to careerist losers and tenured old guy types. Not looking for big names, looking for big poems. Everything starts in the maybe pile: and I'm starting from zero.
This entry was posted by eeksypeeksy
on Saturday, September 03, 2005 at 8:51 PM.
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