What Orbis wants [UK]:
Requirements: Besides poems -- and occasionally upbeat doesn’t come amiss -- Orbis welcomes prose, 500-1000 words, suggestions for cover artwork and features, eg the Past Master Section, or indeed, Past Mistress. 500-1000 words; ideas in first instance, not completed articles: subjects for discussion, technical, topical etc [...]
In particular, having been involved for some time with Social Inclusion projects and encouraging access to the Arts, eg South Asian Showcase for Liverpool’s Dead Good Poets Society, I am interested in work from all such communities, especially young people, under 20s and 20somethings.
Even with women writers -- although magazine subscriptions are around 50/50 -- submissions are still a good third less than those from men. All help with promotion gratefully received.
Orbis 121, May 2002 is on the Poetry Library website: www.poetrymagazines.org.uk and the Spring issue, 132, which has already completely sold out, will be online next month.
Brief round-up of latest guidelines follows, to publish/post/pass on/tell all your friends/inwardly digest.
Orbis Quarterly Literary International Journal
80 pages of news, reviews, views, letters, features, prose and quite a lot of poetry.
Each issue, 50 pounds: Featured Writer; 3-4 poems or 2000 words. Plus Readers’ Award: 50 pounds for piece receiving the most votes. Four winners selected for submission to Forward Poetry Prize, Single Poem Category; 50 pounds split between four, or more, runners-up.
I Filled the Bath with Coty L’Aimant by Ros Barber, joint winner of the Orbis 126 Readers Award, was selected for The Forward Book of Poetry 2005
Submissions by post: four poems; two prose pieces, 500-1000 words. Please enclose SAE with ALL correspondence. Overseas: 2 IRCs. Via email, Overseas only: two poems/one piece of prose in body. No attachments.
Please note, although priority and hopefully a swift response is given to first time enquiries, subsequently, replies can take a lot longer due to the volume of mail. Subscribers usually receive an answer re submissions in 3 months at the latest, ie with the following issue of the magazine.
Subs: cheques payable to Carole Baldock; post to 17 Greenhow Avenue, West Kirby, Wirral CH48 5EL
Subs pa: 15 GBP for four copies. Overseas: 20 GBP; 30 euros or 38 dollars. Single issue: 4 GBP; 5 GBP; 10 euros or 11 dollars, all including post and packing
Review copies and press releases to be sent to the Reviews Editor, Nessa O’Mahony, First Floor Flat, 4 Raglan Street Beaumaris LL58 8BP
This entry was posted by Ivy
on Monday, September 12, 2005 at 4:00 PM.
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