[I'm interested in the comments this entry is getting, so I'm changing its date to keep it current.]
Readers and writers of poetry: what sort of music do you listen to? How does it compare to the (type of) poetry you prefer? What's the musical equivalent of, say, language poetry? Or what's the poetic equivalent of jazz or the blues or reggae? If John Ashbery were a composer and musician instead of a poet, what sort of music would he be writing and playing, and would you be singing it in the shower? Do readers and writers of experimental poetry who have little time for other sorts of poetry (because it's too simple, old-fashioned, unadventurous, un
experimental, whatever) have a problem with music that has standard structures, standard scales, etc.?
This entry was posted by eeksypeeksy
on Wednesday, November 09, 2005 at 9:30 AM.
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