Thylazine Foundation's stolen money, review books [Australia]:
The Thylazine Foundation attempts to ensure that poets work and review books are not lost in the post by paying for registered post from Darwin to other locations within Australia and overseas and by suggesting that poets and publishers do the same when they send their books into us.
While we do our best we cannot be held accountable for the theft of books by reviewers when it occurs and when it is willful and malicious. I am one individual doing my bit for Australian poetry, that in my opinion needs all the supporters that it can get, so when reviewers deliberately choose to steal review books from poets and publishers, it makes this task increasingly difficult, since we have not got the resources, in order to purchase stolen copies or ask publishers to resend them.
And get this:
Amazing Literary Connections: New York poet Richard Ryan was recommended to The Thylazine Foundation by Ram Devineni of Rattapallax Press (a publisher who had to be told firmly and for a second time to stop selling my work outside of a contract). Ram Devineni is an associate of John Kinsella (Salt Publishing) who continues to sell my books illegally in both Australia and overseas.
There is also mention of some
cyber-stalking going on.
This entry was posted by Ivy
on Friday, November 04, 2005 at 4:11 PM.
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