Words of praise for poets [US]:
[...] What is the difference, when it comes to arcane pursuits that require years of study, between saying "I am a chemist" and "I am a poet?"
Money, you will say. And you, sir, have hit the villanelle on the head. [...]
But you know what? Last week I had a revelation in the form of a book in the mail: Poetry is the best. I ought to read poetry more often. You ought to read poetry way more often.
And this book, by Lucia Perillo, who gave it the swell title of "Luck is Luck," is not only fun to read, funny and wildly well written - it has the astounding good fortune to combine poetry with money.
That's because a panel put together at the Claremont Graduate University just gave it the 2006 Kingsley Tufts Poetry Award. It's the best award an American poet can get: $100,000. [...]
This entry was posted by eeksypeeksy
on Sunday, February 19, 2006 at 11:53 AM.
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