Jon Leon writes:
Jon "the shah" Leon & Allyssa "icebox" Wolf brandish !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LIVE ... ACTION ... ARCADE ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! the September 11 th of Poetry prepares to javeline it all the way up your a-s-s ================================================ Poet-cong for the z generation ++++++++++++++++++++ May installment features Brazilian Poete Carlos Drummond de Andrade trans by cmde Daniels & the incendiary and seminal manifesto "Fuck Off Avant Gardist" by London based filmmaker Duncan Reekie. ======================# .... Send your book or chapbook to us and stamps and receive a lifetime subscription Or an SASE to receive one installment 825 Post Street / #511 / san francisco, ca 94109 ----
Defying middle class professorial inhibition since now
half with loathing half with a strange loathing,
the editors
bin and teresa blake
vietnam, The World
if a mother no longer cares for her children,
civilization sinks to its institutions,
says, "Your fucking little psychopaths,
I didn't ask for them, they came for me."
R. Lowell
This entry was posted by eeksypeeksy
on Thursday, April 20, 2006 at 10:03 AM.
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