Emerging Writers Festival Reader [Australia]:
… the Emerging Writers' Festival is a broad church, representing a large diversity of writing and artistic forms and genres. So, we don't just want non-fiction, we want everything: Artworks, Illustrations, Flash Fiction, Fragments, Interviews, Short Stories, Sketches, Songs, Sonnets, Haiku, Poetry, Plays, Photos, Comics, Couplets, Verse, Recipes, Rants, Memoirs. Obviously, we don’t want your novel. But we do want to see this brief interpreted in unexpected, creative and unorthodox ways.
We want to read poetry about editing prose, plays about a creative writing workshops, recipes for inspiration, anything that addresses writing, or the emerging writer in some way.
The Reader will consider contributions from any Australian or Australia-based writers. Priority will be given to emerging writers (of all ages, stages and styles), but anyone with an interest in supporting this demographic is encouraged to send us a pitch.
Pieces may vary in length from 500 to 3500 words, though most should sit comfortably in between.
Contributors will be paid.
Deadline: 6 July 2009.
This entry was posted by Ivy
on Monday, June 29, 2009 at 10:56 AM.
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