Rosemary Nissen-Wade:
Thom starts talking. His voice is soft but clear. His words move like an impromptu dance. Liz and Kim (the Cathouse Creek Duo) play music behind him. He tells us, “Write down what you love.”
I write:
Trees. Song. Waterfalls. Andrew. Chocolate. POETRY! Home country. Birds. Purple. Red. Hot sauce.
He keeps talking. He passes out newspaper pages. "Find a word," he says. "Write it down." (That’s when I find “hot sauce”.) He hands round books, photos, CDs with evocative covers. “Respond!” he tells us, and, “We only have a short time together. Write while you’re listening.” We find that we can.
We write, he talks, we talk, the music plays, we read out what we’ve written, he recites a poem that responds to our words, he reads out poems by other people...
“Write about one of those things you wrote down, write about what you love.”
This entry was posted by Ivy
on Monday, August 10, 2009 at 1:14 PM.
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