Elizabeth Hildreth: I remember when I saw you at AWP last year, the first thing you said to me was, "I quit the poetry stuff! I’m writing nonfiction now, gonna see if I can really do it. Does nonfiction seem more legit to you -- because of its wider reach or its roots in journalism or because there may be more objective measures in place with which to assess quality and judge merit? And do you still miss poetry? Do you still write poetry? Do you miss New York City?" Daniel Nester: The pat answer I have been giving, or maybe the Pollyanna one, is that I walked away from poetry, and maybe someday I’ll go back to it.
The answer I feel comfortable telling you, now that you’ve told me your story and framed the question in a way that sounds like you understand where I am coming from, is that poetry makes me sick.
This entry was posted by Ivy
on Monday, January 04, 2010 at 8:32 PM.
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