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10 Questions on Poets & Technology

Collin Kelley:
There are many poets I love (including Sharon Olds) who have steadfastly refused to have a presence on the Internet. I wish they would stick their toe in. I actually would like to know what Dr. Olds had for dinner, the music she’s listening to or the latest book she’s read. It puts a human face on the poet and let’s readers have a more tangible relationship with the author.
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At 12:40 PM, Blogger Unknown replied:

Unfortunately those that have decided not to be online are in someways still in the closet or we could also say they are horses with blinders on.    

At 4:30 PM, Blogger Radish King replied:

Sharon Olds teaches many accessible poetry workshops (though you will have to compete against many other poets to get into them). She also gives readings all over the country. Constantly. With her human face. She is hardly in a closet or a "horse wearing blinders."

Read her poetry. What more do you need to know of her? Knowing Sharon, I think she would get creeped out at the idea of a stranger wanting to know what she had for dinner. I'm sure she'd think it was none of your business.

Has the the idea of a private person gone the way of good manners?    

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