Jeannine Hall-Gailey writes...
'What I wanted to say to the girl living in misery and unemployment after her MFA — learning and getting better don't happen on their own — you sort of have to keep going out and making it happen. Just getting an MFA doesn't automatically make you a writer, and in my experience, it certainly does not automatically make you an employed writer.
'Approaching Your Favorite Writers
You might be interested to hear that besides community readings and workshops, you can also just write out of the blue to your favorite writers and ask if they'd be willing to coach you for a fee. You'd be surprised to find out who might say yes, and this is a much better way (not to mention, more cost-efficient) for you to get advice on, say a particular stretch of manuscript from a particular point of view than a two-year degree.'
This entry was posted by Ivy
on Tuesday, January 31, 2012 at 11:55 AM.
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