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National Poet raises a glass to beer-mat poems [Wales]:
Punters could soon be enjoying poems with their pints if Professor Gwyn Thomas has his way.

He is determined to introduce poetry to the masses and he believes one way to target them would be in their local pubs.

And he would like to see verses pinned up on buses and trains and in the waiting rooms of doctors' and dentists' surgeries.
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At 1:48 AM, Blogger Radish King replied:

I love the idea of beer mat poems and might just steal it. I have had poems on buses in Seattle, in gumball poetry machines and on the labels of coffe cans.    

At 10:59 AM, Blogger Cie Cheesemeister replied:

Great idea! I would love to have my words immortalized on a beer mat! My poetry is usually so depressing that it might drive people to drink and the bar would improve its business. ;-)    

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