Denise Duhamel:
One of the rituals I have is to play with words. Artists are always sketching, right? Musicians are always practicing. So sometimes I hear or see a word and think 'sestina,' and I write the actual end-words I might use if I had the time to write the poem. For example, this morning I was reading the poet Honor Moore and I thought: Honor Moore, Michael Moore, More cigarettes, more or less, moreover, morbid, moral, mortuary, Maury Povich, forever more, one more time, and that disco song 'More more more, how do you like your love?' I'll probably never write such a poem, but writing notes, however silly, keeps my brain constantly making connections with words. Good triggers for me are often visual. I have a game called 'Go,' cards which come with reproductions of miniature paintings (some more abstract than others). I pick a card at random and place it into a frame with words like 'Justice,' 'Love,' 'Death,' or 'Peace' on the border. And I find an automatic trigger from which to begin writing.
This entry was posted by Ivy
on Tuesday, July 14, 2009 at 6:18 PM.
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