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Poetry Society UK's Poetry Wars 2.0

Business as usual? [UK]:
"So with what heartsinkingness did we awake to the news on May 21st that there is a new spot of bother down the PoSoc; that its director had resigned in what sounded like a pretty spectacular scene in leafy Betterton Street, though we were not to be told precisely how it went. The rumour mill was up to full capacity in no time, churning out details ever more alarming, whether true or untrue.

"It was the stuff of situation comedy, or else a reality TV show. The director was followed in short succession by the financial officer, the education officer and the Society’s president, Jo Shapcott. The remaining staff are not permitted to say anything about what is happening; anecdotal reports that leak out come muffled in anonymity and provisos, and sound very unhappy, not least because the remaining inmates of the PoSoc are being functionally cut off from their peer group."
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