Naomi Horii, interview [Canada, US]:
Writer’s Block: Do you find you have to be more flexible when editing work submitted by writers of different nationalities and backgrounds, or do you take the same approach with everyone?
NH: The quality of the writing is the ONLY thing that counts. We certainly welcome and hope that writers and artists from all different walks of life will submit their work, but we don't give preferential treatment to anyone because of their nationality or background. Sometimes, because the subtitle of our journal is "a literary journal of diverse contemporary voices," I believe writers think they can't submit because they're white or think that they need to write about some sort of "multicultural" issue. This is not at all what Many Mountains Moving is about. We're publishing a wonderful poem by Rita Kiefer, who wrote about being an ex-nun — that is certainly a unique and interesting background and it is, most importantly, an incredible poem. That's all that matters to us.
This entry was posted by Ivy
on Monday, June 13, 2005 at 11:15 AM.
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