The Duplications [US]:
A blogzine of contemporary poetry, edited by Jonathan Mayhew. Email me your submissions at jmayhew "at"
I'm especially interested in poems from Gary Sullivan, Nada Gordon, Jess Mynes, Clark Coolidge, Laura Carter, Jordan Davis, Alice Notley, and my hundred other favorite poets. You know who you are! Ange Mlinko? You are welcome here. James Schuyler? Go ahead and submit if you represent his estate and there are still unpublished poems.
I'm interested in poems that I might have wanted to write, that produce poetic envy in me. I might like your poem and still turn it down it down if it does not awaken this sentiment in me.
If I turn you down, wait a month or two and try again. By then I will be in a different frame of mind and perhaps more receptive. If I publish you, wait four to six months before submitting again.
This entry was posted by eeksypeeksy
on Saturday, September 03, 2005 at 8:53 PM.
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