Incommunicado [Australia]:
Incommunicado will be published in March 2006, in Australia, as part of the 2006 Next Wave Empire Games (in conjunction with the Melbourne Commonwealth Games). If you are a Commonwealth citizen and are under 30 years old, this is an amazing opportunity for your writing to be published in an international context, as part of a major event. You will be paid for your efforts – $50AUS, or the equivalent in your own currency. [...]
Tell me more about this Incommunicado theme ...
Misunderstanding is the basis of much comedy, and much tragedy. Incommunicado will bring together very short (250 word or 500 word) stories, poems, anecdotes and reflections from across the Commonwealth about people trying -- and often failing -- to communicate. Lost tourists unable to ask for directions; parents who can't understand their children's slang; workers forced to sign contracts they don't understand.
We want to hear about communication breakdowns that break hearts, make fortunes, start wars, and everything in between. These stories will be as factual or fantastic, as epic or microscopic, as you make them.
Incommunicado submission deadline: 30 November 2005
For more information about submitting to Incommunicado, go to
For more information about the Next Wave Festival's 2006 Empire Games, go to
This entry was posted by Ivy
on Friday, November 11, 2005 at 3:09 PM.
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