e-x-c-h-a-n-g-e-v-a-l-u-e-s: Interview with Jean Vengua:
Tom Beckett: If you were to describe your poetics in terms of an intersection, what would the names of the crossroads be?
Jean Vengua: I don’t have a clear sense of my poetics, other than what I discover from the conversation of poetry that I’m engaged in. I’m constantly escaping my own grasp. Maybe the names of the crossroads are the One and the Other, in the sense that, when I write, I can sometimes thankfully shed my own skin and become other. Who am I today? What road will I take? And whose road is it? Is it a private, or a public road, and do I feel like trespassing today?
This entry was posted by Ivy
on Monday, January 02, 2006 at 8:52 PM.
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