Brian Beatty, The Long-Promised Interview [blog]:
"The poems crept into my sets as I prepared for Hollywood. Prior to that trip, I did a series of guest spots around town, trying out every idea I'd ever had that might get a laugh. It turned out the poems got a great response—in part, I think, because I actually introduce them as serious poems, and that causes people to fear the worst. That tension builds to a great release when the audience realizes it's all a joke. Then they keep laughing because the poems are so ridiculous—and obviously not the audience's rather limited idea of poetry.
I like doing the poems because they allow me to treat certain jokes as little works of art, and it's something of a hook for the audience to remember me by. There are a lot worse things total strangers can say to you after a show than, 'Hey, you're the guy that reads those weird poems.'"
This entry was posted by Ivy
on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 at 12:22 AM.
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