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Poetry news, poetry blogs, poetry magazines, poetry journals, poetry sites, poetry links, etc.

’Tinting the Lens’ in "Trans" Communities - An Anthology Call for Entries [US/blog]:
Intimates of color, trans-identities, masculinity and relativity: "So I have been asked to edit an anthology on `persons of color* who are / were born female and now live all or a significant portion of their lives as masculine women (butches, studs, aggressors, ballers, playas.,) Ftm, transmen (boi, daddy, tranny, tranny fag, G3 [gee cued gender gifted guy,] drag kings, male illusionists, gender performers, transgenders, transsexuals, gender-queers and the likes.

*I know this term has its problemsif it offends you my apologies. Trust me when I say I wrestled in near agony, before making the choice to use it. I ultimately decided it was distracting me from the task at hand, by giving me a reason to procrastinate. Lord knows I need no help puttin off."
DEADLINE: *extended* Oct. 1, 2006
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