This entry was posted by eeksypeeksy on Thursday, March 29, 2007 at 11:13 AM. You can skip to the end and leave a response.
[ wisconsin ] Brent Goodman: The Brother Swimming Beneath Mehttp://brent-goodman.blogspot.comThanks for the exchange!Brent
Added. Thanks.Anyone else know of some good poetry blogs?
Just an update:"finish your phrase" is still online but no longer produced ... i.e. it's finished ... and the same goes for "this journal blug"i'm now doing poems at plainer ... ...and my daily thoughts & all are at two ... ...thanks, malcolm ... i've been severely missing your own writing online ... tom murphy
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ursprache've linked you.ThanksJim Finnegan
I do not think I am linked here--then again, your blogroll is such a magnificent deluge that I have never gotten down the whole thing at once. I'm in Florida.
I'm finding more and more of them. Poetry Thursday is a good source. I'm compiling a blogroll of my favorites here:
Thanks, everyone. I think the links are all there.And thanks again, Tom. I'm glad you're still writing. When I can read again, I'll find you.
I have a poetry blog called Views from the Forward Earth.My handle is SquareTraveler and I'm currently located in Japan.http://www.squaretraveler.blogspot.comThank you!