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Poetry news, poetry blogs, poetry magazines, poetry journals, poetry sites, poetry links, etc.

Pushcart nominees around blogland:
Reb Livingston for the poem "Rare Hawk Evident"
Laurel Snyder
Rae Pater for the poem "Dreaming Dark"
Jilly Dybka for "The Retired Vietnam Munitions Loader Attempts To Open A Can Of Biscuits"
Neil Aitken for the poem "After Neruda"
Jake Adam York for "South of Knoxville" (Thanks, Kevin)
Anne Haines (Thanks, Pamela)
Know of any others?
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At 6:35 PM, Blogger Kevin Andre Elliott replied:

There's Jake Adam York for "South of Knoxville."    

At 5:14 PM, Blogger Pamela Johnson Parker replied:

Anne Haines, too. (landmammal.blogspot.com)    

At 5:42 PM, Blogger eeksypeeksy replied:

Thanks. Got them both now.    

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