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Poetry news, poetry blogs, poetry magazines, poetry journals, poetry sites, poetry links, etc.

At the Intersection of Murasaki Shikibu and Rapunzel:
the Poet Kimiko Hahn
The poet Kimiko Hahn is a member of the growing generation of Asian-American poets receiving the spotlight in the contemporary American poetry scene, along with Marilyn Chin, Cathy Song, C. Dale Young, Li-Young Lee and Rick Noguchi. She is the author of seven collections of poetry, including The Artist’s Daughter (W.W. Norton, 2002), Mosquito and Ant (W.W. Norton, 2000) and the forthcoming The Narrow Road to the Interior. She has received an American Book Award and a Lila Wallace-Reader's Digest Award, among other awards. She will join the faculty of the prestigious Creative Writing Program at the University of Houston this fall, after having taught at Queens College/CUNY in New York City.
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At 3:16 AM, Blogger François Luong replied:

Thanks for linking the interview I conducted with Kimiko Hahn.


François Luong    

At 5:15 AM, Blogger Emma Barnes replied:

No problem Francios. I thought it was an excellent interview!    

At 5:15 AM, Blogger Emma Barnes replied:

Oh gawd. Spelling mistake, in your name! I'm mortified!    

At 7:21 AM, Blogger François Luong replied:

Living in Texas, this is something I got used to ages ago.    

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