Silliman's Blog [US]:
To call what Braxton does jazz is to use that category historically more than descriptively. Like many of the current generation (he turned 60 on June 4) of jazz-based virtuosos, from the late Steve Lacy to John Zorn, Henry Kaiser, Rova, & many other veterans from Chicago’s Association for the Advancement of Creative Music (AACM), everything is available, from medieval to tribal to blues to classical to post-contemporary. And while improvisation is always close to the heart of what is going on at any given moment, much of the music is scored, even tho the score looks like this...
This reads almost like an answer to what I said a few posts ago (in the comments) that "...I would expect someone who makes a point of reading only the most experimental poetry available (and maybe scorning the mainstream stuff and its readers) to do a little more with music than just turn on a local pop radio station or buy the latest hit recordings."
This entry was posted by eeksypeeksy
on Saturday, November 12, 2005 at 1:09 AM.
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