Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Poetry and democratic struggle in Nigeria [Nigeria]:
President of the Association of Nigerian Authors (ANA), Dr. Wale Okediran, in this piece, examines the linkages between poetry and democracy. [..]
posted by eeksypeeksy @ 9:28 AM 
Int'l school poetry contest ignites Israeli-Egyptian spat [Israel]:
An international grade school poetry contest quickly deteriorated into an aggressive cyberspace battle for Middle Eastern honor when word got out on the Internet that a nine-year-old Israeli girl had pulled ahead of an Egyptian competitor and threatened to take first prize. [...]
posted by eeksypeeksy @ 9:25 AM 
Abida Parveen shares concepts of spirituality in poetry [Pakistan]:
Famous artist Abida Parveen combined recitation of poetry and song rendition with detailed explanation of sufi concepts to deliver one of her rare lectures, leading to a standing ovation by an enthralled audience.
She was addressing a packed auditorium on the topic of “Spiritualism” under Aga Khan University’s Special Lecture Series. [...]
posted by eeksypeeksy @ 9:23 AM 
Bush Poetry With Piety [Australia]:
A well-attended, though less well-known festival is coming up on March 14–18 in Narrandera on the Murrumbidgee River. The John O'Brien Bush Festival features The Bush Poetry Performance Competition where twenty bush poets from around Australia perform their own and others' work, including verses by "John O'Brien". [...]
posted by eeksypeeksy @ 9:21 AM 
Interview With Winner of Mystical Poetry Award [Italy]:
Writing mystical poetry is to go from " from ecstasy to ecstasy," says the most recent winner of the Fernando Rielo Foundation's mystical poetry prize.
Father Valentin Arteaga, superior general of the Order of Clerics Regular, known as the Theatines, was awarded this year's prize for his work "Oficio en mi menor" (Office in Mi Minor). The Theatine priest received a monetary prize of €7,000 ($9,194). [...]
posted by eeksypeeksy @ 9:10 AM 
posted by eeksypeeksy @ 9:09 AM 
Monday, February 19, 2007
posted by Ivy @ 7:04 PM 
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
posted by eeksypeeksy @ 4:17 PM 
Monday, February 12, 2007
The Queer Collection Submissions:
What we're looking for: Creative original prose and poetry by and for a gay, lesbian, bi, transgender, and queer audience. Fiction, nonfiction, and poetry will be considered. Some previously published material will be considered including stories, articles, and book excerpts. Author must hold reprint rights to previously published material.
What we're not looking for: Pornography or graphic erotica.
Submission Deadline: December 31, 2007
posted by Ivy @ 2:16 PM 
Charles Plymell [US]:
CATFISH: Is there anything you would have done different?
CHARLES: Joined the Air Force at 18, so I would have had a pension at 37. Stayed on the docks and not gotten an education. Stayed with the only full-time teaching job I ever had. Accepted the tenure-track poetry professor position I could have had at Carnegie Mellon. Not sold the 1952 MGTD Classic Billy Batman gave us in San Francisco. Not sold my '48 Caddy. Not sold our '66 Mustang convertible. Not sold my '52 Buick Roadmaster Riviera. Not sold my '51 Chevy my dad bought me new. Been more receptive to Anne Waldman and tried to keep her from being brainwashed by the Gurus. Stayed away from famous people, especially poets and the filthy rich. Not called Ginsberg a 'kike' at Lita Hornick's dinner party in my honor. Even though Ginsberg helped me get published through his fame, and I enjoyed being around famous poets and writers, I would not do it again. I don't have the correct showmanship and can't accept a leadership role.
posted by Ivy @ 4:22 AM 
Sunday, February 11, 2007
posted by Ivy @ 11:52 PM 
Saturday, February 10, 2007
posted by Ivy @ 1:35 PM 
Thursday, February 08, 2007
posted by Ivy @ 11:03 AM 
Friday, February 02, 2007
Putting poetry in place [Pakistan]:
An interviewer once asked WH Auden, as interviewers will, if he thought his reading influenced his ‘decision’ to be a poet. Auden replied that as a child the only poetry he read “were certain books of sick jokes”, like Belloc’s Cautionary Tales and Harry Graham’s Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes. His favourite from the latter was, Into the drinking well/ The plumber built her/Aunt Maria fell;/We must buy a filter. [...]
posted by eeksypeeksy @ 8:40 AM 
Poetry Foundation upcoming events in Chicago [US]02.08.07 - Kim Addonizio
03.15.07 - Martín Espada
04.04.07 - Tony Hoagland and Dean Young
04.18.07 - Victor Hernández Cruz
05.07.07 - Donald Hall and Andrew Motion
05.10.07 - Donald Hall and Andrew Motion
05.30.07 - Robert Bly
06.06.07 - Donald Hall & Andrew Motion
06.10.07 - Pimone Triplett & Andrew Feld
posted by eeksypeeksy @ 8:30 AM 
Thursday, February 01, 2007
posted by eeksypeeksy @ 4:47 PM