sheenagh pugh - The dreaded Sometimes Policy on reproduction of "Sometimes"
* it's OK to put it on personal blogs
* if you're a student, you can use it for coursework
* if you're an exam board, you cannot use it as an exam question
* if you want it for a non-charitable poetry anthology, the answer's no
* I will allow it to be read for charitable purposes (NB NOT medical ones which fund research on animals, and I won't change my mind on that for anyone, so please don't ask). But I would still refuse permission for actual reproduction, unless it was a charity I felt very strongly about.
* if you're an "inclusive language" fanatic who wants to replace "man" with "human being" and ruin the scansion, don't you dare!!! See below...
* and if you do quote or reproduce it, I would rather you left my name off. I really do hate it that much. The comedian Arthur Smith, who's been using it in a charitable/memorial context for some time, respects my feelings on this by never mentioning my name, and I very much appreciate that.
This entry was posted by Ivy
on Friday, September 19, 2008 at 2:16 PM.
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