posted by Ivy @ 4:06 PM
posted by Ivy @ 6:41 PM
posted by Ivy @ 11:31 AM
posted by Ivy @ 11:56 PM
Though this post may seem to be more about me than about Peter I wanted to put on record an instance of great kindness, a rare enough thing in this edgy world of factionalism.
posted by Ivy @ 12:18 PM
posted by Ivy @ 10:39 AM
"Why am I doing it? Three reasons, I guess. First, I love poetry books, and I feel I haven’t devoted nearly enough space to celebrating them here. I’ve been trapped in pre-conceived and rather boring notions of how to write about books, I think, and I’m hoping to break out of that. "Second, I’m curious about what a month-long immersion in poetry reading will do to me. Will it be mind-altering? Almost certainly. Will it change the way I read poetry? Maybe. Will it prove to be an overdose, and send me rushing naked and screaming into the streets? Well, let’s hope not."
posted by Ivy @ 10:59 PM
It was the poet UA Fanthorpe who wrote about London's secret rivers; "The currents that chiselled the city," was how she put it. "Effra, Graveney, Falcon, Quaggy / Wandle, Walbrook, Tyburn, Fleet." Now a new iPhone app, City Poems, hopes to do much the same for the capital's forgotten poetic heritage, or the lines, if you will, that flow beneath its streets.
posted by Ivy @ 1:27 PM
It started off quite slow. Are you sure you don't want a fish, the artist kept asking me as we mapped out my image on tracing paper. Everybody else gets a fish. Just water, I said, just waves. The tattoo was to celebrate --- some kind of new awakening, finally going back to grad school to get my PhD in Lit like I always wanted, finally believing I could achieve something more.
posted by Ivy @ 3:38 PM
"I want to write poems for you, for free. Free because unlike Molly, I cannot guarantee the completion of the poems."
posted by Ivy @ 10:15 AM
"The TLS (Times Literary Supplement), organ of utter establishment-led poetry criticism and wrong-headed thought in the department of poetic amour, devoted a few square inches to the newly published Infinite Difference anthology in their March 19 issue, singled out my work as being particularly irritating to them, and made a kind of sorrowful plea about shared experience..."
posted by Ivy @ 9:21 PM